Refer to the ceInstall page for the latest instructions on how to use gemc at Jefferson Lab, or through CVMFS, or by building it from source.
Using Docker¶
GEMC distributed using You can download docker for free here.
Use a Docker Container The following docker containers are available:
jeffersonlab/gemc:gemc-dev-fedora36 jeffersonlab/gemc:gemc-dev–almalinux93 jeffersonlab/gemc:gemc-dev–ubuntu24
Use the following command to open a bash session on the container.
Batch mode:
docker run --platform linux/amd64 -it --rm -v ~/mywork:/usr/local/mywork jeffersonlab/gemc:gemc-dev-fedora36 bash
You need to use the option USE_GUI=0 to run gemc in batch mode.
Interactive mode (browser):
docker run --platform linux/amd64 -it --rm -v ~/mywork:/usr/local/mywork -p 8080:8080 jeffersonlab/gemc:gemc-dev-fedora36
Using your web browser open the page:
After clicking connect the linux desktop is shown with a running shell.
You should launch gemc with USE_GUI=2 to optimize the opengl graphic. A few examples are installed in gemc/dev.
You can use the docker container without Rosetta (unfortunately it will be slower)/
USS enterprise shooting against a dragon:
module switch gemc/dev cd $GEMC_DATA_DIR/experiments/forFun gemc fun.gcard -USE_GUI=2 -OUTPUT="txt, out.txt"Fire protons in the upper gastrointestinal tract:
module switch gemc/dev cd $GEMC_DATA_DIR/experiments/humanBody: gemc hb.gcard -USE_GUI=2 -OUTPUT="txt, out.txt"
As of 8/14/2024 interactivity won’t work on Sonoma 14.5 if you activate Rosetta on docker. You need to disable it (unfortunately it will be slower).
Suggested noVNC settings:
Scaling mode: remote
Shared mode active (this will ensure if you open another browser session, it will show the same instance of the container)
On the docker preferences try to make available as much memory as possible.
You can stop the docker container at any time using ctrl-c in the shell session you started it from.
Other Downloads¶
Generator: LUND Events sample¶
10 Deep Inelastic Scattering events in LUND format
GEMC Release Notes¶
For release notes and the complete changelog see release notes.